
How Tamaris makes +2% more revenue with Speed Kit

Published on
June 1, 2023
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Tamaris is one of the most well-known shoe brands in Europe. As one of the brands by the Wortmann Group, one of the largest shoe retailers in Europe, it's active in over 25 countries. Experienced in ecommerce, Tamaris is aware of the positive impact page speed can have on the user experience, organic search rankings, and conversion rates. To leverage these positive effects of page speed, Tamaris searched for ways to enhance their web performance.

"We are very happy with the results of our cooperation, which verified that the positive impact on web performance translates into tangible improvements in key business metrics. These findings were made possible by the collaborative and supportive efforts of the team behind Speed Kit, with whom we facilitated thorough testing and validation."

Eric Brakhage, Product Owner
Faster website
More revenue
More conversions



Tamaris decided to implement Speed Kit to enhance their web performance. After the integration into their Salesforce Commerce Cloud System, Tamaris was able to leverage the innovative caching algorithms and service worker technology of Speed Kit. The solution makes it possible to cache even dynamic HTML resources. Through Speed Kit, Tamaris was not only able to increase their performance metrics like the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) or the Time to First Byte (TTFB), it also had a significant impact on their business metrics.


Through an A/B test based on real-user monitoring (RUM) data and conversion data by Tamaris, the performance and business uplift through Speed Kit was proven with statistical significance.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP):

On the performance side, the median value of the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) on desktop decreased from 2359 ms to 1447 ms, while on mobile it decreased from 3335 ms to 1935 ms.

Time to First Byte (TTFB):

Furthermore, the median value for Time to First Byte (TTFB) on desktop improved from 727 ms to 466 ms, while on mobile it decreased from 831 ms to 539 ms. On the business side, the increase in page speed has led to a 3% increase in conversions per user, a 2% improvement in revenue per user, and a 2% growth in total revenue.


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